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  • Lakeside Flower

Get Well/Cheer Up (romeo blue)


Feeling sad about your friend or loved ones broken heart? Help ease his or hers pain with a heartwarming and supportive Flirty Flower.

9 in stock

SKU: SBH101. Category: . Tag: .
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Each Heart Feel Better Bloom features a beautiful colorful Flirty Flower. Open the flower to reveal a message that expresses comfort and healing.

Heart Feel Better Bloom Message:
This isn’t just a bloom to help mend your heart but also a hug disguised as a flower.

One Flirty Flower includes a tall (11” high) flower covered with fun designs. Packaged in a crush-proof box, your flower will come fully assembled and ready to make your recipient feel your support and caring as she or he mends a broken heart. This paper flower comes in a variety of patterns, including dots, flowers and stars.

Weight 4.9 oz

Lakeside Flowers


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